Terms & Conditions
The following are terms of a legal agreement ("Agreement") between you and Mainstreet Community Bank of Florida. By accessing, browsing and/or using this website ("Site") you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by these terms and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. If you do not agree to these terms, do not use this Site. This Site may contain other proprietary notices and copyright information, the terms of which must be observed and followed.
Information on this Site may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Please read this Agreement carefully and be aware that Mainstreet Community Bank of Florida may, in its sole discretion and without notice, revise these terms at any time by updating this posting.
Copyrights and Other Intellectual Property
Except where otherwise expressly noted or as noted below, all contents of this Site, including the graphics, icons and overall appearance of the Site, are the sole and exclusive property of Mainstreet Community Bank of Florida and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates. The posting of the contents of this Site neither constitutes a waiver of any of Mainstreet Community Bank of Florida's proprietary rights or any other party's proprietary rights, including but not limited to, copyrights, trademarks, servicemarks, patents and other intellectual property, nor a transfer by implication, estoppel or otherwise of any such rights or of any license to the Site user or to any third party. Contents of this Site are protected by United States and international copyright laws, both as individual works and as a collection and by United States and international trademark laws. You agree not to delete any copyright, trademark or similar notice from any contents that you obtain from the Site.
Except where otherwise expressly noted or as noted below, all contents of this Site, including the graphics, icons and overall appearance of the Site, are the sole and exclusive property of Mainstreet Community Bank of Florida and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates. The posting of the contents of this Site neither constitutes a waiver of any of Mainstreet Community Bank of Florida's proprietary rights or any other party's proprietary rights, including but not limited to, copyrights, trademarks, servicemarks, patents and other intellectual property, nor a transfer by implication, estoppel or otherwise of any such rights or of any license to the Site user or to any third party. Contents of this Site are protected by United States and international copyright laws, both as individual works and as a collection and by United States and international trademark laws. You agree not to delete any copyright, trademark or similar notice from any contents that you obtain from the Site.
The display of trademarks within this Site does not grant you a license of any kind. Any downloading of material contained in the site, or of any site linked to the site, may be a violation of federal trademark and copyright laws. Any downloading of contents of this Site or any website linked to this Site may be a violation of federal and other trademark laws and federal copyright laws.
© 2013 Mainstreet Community Bank of Florida
204 S. Woodland Blvd.
DeLand, FL 32720
(386) 734-5930
All rights reserved.
In order to constantly improve this Site and better serve its customers, Mainstreet Community Bank of Florida may use “cookies” (a small text file placed on the user's hard drive) to facilitate site navigation, maintain quality of online service, and provide additional security. The cookies automatically collect information about your computer hardware and software, which can include browser type, access times, and Internet Protocol (IP) address. Mainstreet Community Bank of Florida does not use cookies to collect information from third party web sites that you may visit. Cookies will not contain information that would enable anyone to contact consumers by telephone, email or U.S. Mail. Mainstreet Community Bank of Florida may also monitor Site traffic patterns and usage to help provide enhancements to its services.
You may opt out of accepting cookies by changing the settings on your browser. However, rejecting cookies may diminish your browsing experience and prevent you from using certain functions. Mainstreet Community Bank of Florida may also use cookies to track customer or user requests, inquiries, and traffic patterns or to determine audience size and repeated usage.
Mainstreet Community Bank of Florida makes no representations whatsoever about any other website which you may access through this one. When you access a non-Mainstreet Community Bank of Florida website, please understand that it is independent from Mainstreet Community Bank of Florida, and that Mainstreet Community Bank of Florida has no control over the content on that website, even if Mainstreet Community Bank of Florida provides information or services to the owner of that website. In addition, a link to a non-Mainstreet Community Bank of Florida website does not mean that Mainstreet Community Bank of Florida endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content or the use of such website. Mainstreet Community Bank of Florida disclaims any and all liability and responsibility for such content.
Mainstreet Community Bank of Florida may alter, suspend or discontinue this Site or your access to use this Site at any time for any reason without notice or liability to you or any third party. This Site may become unavailable due to maintenance or malfunction of computer equipment or for other reasons. The user shall be solely responsible for ensuring that any information or content obtained from this Site does not contain any virus or other computer software code designed to disable, erase, impair or otherwise damage the user's systems, software or data.
Confidentiality and Security
Mainstreet Community Bank of Florida restricts access to non-public personal information to those employees who need to know that information to provide products or services to you. Management monitors employee access to customer information and will take appropriate disciplinary measures to ensure adherence to this policy. Mainstreet Community Bank of Florida uses proven technology and established procedures for keeping your information secure. When personal information is requested on this Site and/or the online banking site, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology is used to keep it confidential.
Mainstreet Community Bank of Florida restricts access to non-public personal information to those employees who need to know that information to provide products or services to you. Management monitors employee access to customer information and will take appropriate disciplinary measures to ensure adherence to this policy. Mainstreet Community Bank of Florida uses proven technology and established procedures for keeping your information secure. When personal information is requested on this Site and/or the online banking site, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology is used to keep it confidential.
Mainstreet Community Bank of Florida does not knowingly solicit data from children and does not knowingly market to children. It is recognized that protecting children’s identities and privacy online is important and that the responsibility to do so rests with both the online industry and with parents.
Relationship to Online Banking Services
If you are enrolled in Mainstreet Community Bank of Florida’s Online Banking product, your use of online banking services is governed by the Online Banking Agreement & Disclosure. If there is inconsistency between these Terms of Use and the Online Banking Agreement & Disclosure, the Online Banking Agreement & Disclosure, as applicable, shall be controlling to the extent of such inconsistency.
Service Contact
For questions or problems with this Site, you may contact Mainstreet Community Bank of Florida by email at custserv@mainstreetcbf.com or by phone at (386) 734-5930 or by mail to Mainstreet Community Bank of Florida, 204 S. Woodland Blvd., DeLand, FL 32720.